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Hi, I’m Ingrid Leijten. I am a professor of constitutional law (Chair of Dutch and European Constitutional Law) at Tilburg University. My research focuses on the protection of fundamental rights in the modern constitutional and administrative state. I am fascinated by the internationalization and constitutionalization of public law. My work deals with the role of courts, the obligations of lawmakers and the tasks of executives in relation to these developments. A particular focus of my research moreover concerns the ways in which fundamental rights can and cannot contribute to trust in government.

Before, I worked as an associate professor of constitutional and administrative Law at Leiden University, and I was a guest professor at the Friendrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nurembereg. Besides teaching and researching, I regularly present my work at (international) conferences and workshops. I am part of the editorial board of the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten (Dutch Journal of Human Rights). I host the fundamental rights podcast Ons goed recht. 

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